

Download different Forms like POA Self Declaration, Special POA Format , Draft Rent Agreement and many more. Download by clicking particular title from below download options.

1. Sample Agreement

Sample Agreement
Sample Agreement

In online Leave and License Registration, citizens have to fill required information only in IGR Online Portal for e-Registration and draft is automatically generated at the end. We as a service provider fill all the details in proper format to ensure that all details are filled wherever required. With our vast experience, we know which of the documents get rejected by SRO if any input field is wrongly filled or proper document not uploaded on server. There are 12 standard clauses already inbuilt within online portal and by downloading a sample copy of Agreement citizens can check which other clauses are to be included in the agreement. Download a sample copy of Agreement by clicking the below download button:-

Size: 110 KB
Published: 07/03/2017

2. Special Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney (POA)
Power of Attorney (POA)

Citizens interested in executing Leave and License Agreement through Power of Attorney can use our Format for “Special Power of Attorney” and get the same Notarized or Registered as per their convenience. There is no limitation put by IGR Maharashtra on either of these documents. Download  a copy of Format from below link:-

Size: 10 KB
Published: 07/03/2017

3. Self Declaration POA in Marathi

Self Declaration Power of Attorney Marathi
Self Declaration Power of Attorney Marathi

Citizens residing outside India can execute online Leave and License Agreement through their Power of Attorney (POA) holder in India and the POA can be either Registered or Notarized. A self-declaration is required each time the document is executed which states that the POA is valid and not revoked during the course of time. This document is to be uploaded alongwith POA on IGR Maharashtra e-registration server. Download suitable copy of the same in either English or Marathi per your convenience:-

Size: 30 KB
Version: 1.0
Published: 07/03/2020

4. Self Declaration POA in English

Self Declaration Power of Attorney English
Self Declaration Power of Attorney English

Citizens residing outside India can execute online Leave and License Agreement through their Power of Attorney (POA) holder in India and the POA can be either Registered or Notarized. A self-declaration is required each time the document is executed which states that the POA is valid and not revoked during the course of time. This document is to be uploaded alongwith POA on IGR Maharashtra e-registration server. Download suitable copy of the same in either English or Marathi per your convenience:-

Size: 65 KB
Version: 1.0
Published: 07/03/2017

5. Registration Act 1908

Registration Act 1908
Registration Act 1908

Indian Registration Act is an act to consolidate the enactments relating to the registration of documents. Registration means recording of the contents of the document. The object of registration is conservation of evidence and title. Section 17 of the Indian Registration Act 1908, deals with the documents that are compulsory to be registered. Download to view the legal provisions.

Size: 540 KB
Version: 18 December 1908
Published: 15/03/2017

6. Maharashtra Rent Control Act

Maharashtra Rent Control Act
Maharashtra Rent Control Act

An Act to unify, consolidate and amend the law relating to the control of rent and repairs of certain premises and of eviction and for encouraging the construction of new houses by assuring a fair return on the investment by landlords and to provide for the matters connected with the purposes aforesaid.

WHEREAS it is expedient to Unify, consolidate and amend the laws prevailing in the different parts of the State relating to the control of rents and repairs of certain premises and of eviction and for encouraging the construction of new houses by assuring a fair return and to provide for the matters connected with the purposes aforesaid; It is hereby enacted in the Fiftieth year of the Republic of India. Download below to see the complete Act.

Size: 120 KB
Published: 15/03/2017

7. House Rent Receipt

Rent Receipt
Rent Receipt

A Rent Receipt is provided by the landlord when he receives the rent from the tenant – it has his signature that confirms the receipt of payment. If you are paying rent, you can submit evidence and save tax – total amount is reduced from your gross taxable income. A salaried employee has to submit a rent receipt as a proof of rental expenses to his company – this is in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961. Download the Format provided in below link.

Size: 10 KB
Published: 15/08/2020

8. Maharashtra Society Act

Maharashtra Society Act
Maharashtra Society Act

The Maharashtra Co-Operative Societies Act I960. An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies in the State of Maharashtra. WHEREAS, with a view to providing for the orderly development of the co-operative movement in the State of Maharashtra in accordance with the relevant directive principles of State policy enunciated in the Constitution of India, it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies in that State; It is hereby enacted in the Eleventh Year of the Republic of India. To go through the complete Act Download from below link:-

Size: 816 KB

9. Apartment Ownership Act

Apartment Ownership Act
Apartment Ownership Act

An Act to provide for the ownership of an individual apartment in a building and to make such apartment heritable and transferable property.

WHEREAS, it is expedient to provide for the ownership of an individual apartment in a building and to make such apartment heritable and transferable property, and to provide for matters connected with the purposes aforesaid ; It is hereby enacted in the Twentyfirst Year of the Republic of India. Download to read the full Act.

Version: 1971 : Mah. XV
Published: 16/08/2020

10. SRO Offices in Pune

SRO Offices in Pune
SRO Offices in Pune

You can get list of all SRO Offices in Pune with address, office timings and email id’s.

Size: 120 KB
Version: 1.0
Published: 25/08/2020

11. SRO Offices in Mumbai

SRO Offices in Mumbai
SRO Offices in Mumbai

You can get list of all SRO Offices in Mumbai with address, office timings and email id’s.

Size: 124 KB
Version: 1.0
Published: 25/08/2020

12. SRO Offices in Thane, Panvel and Kalyan

SRO Offices in Panvel, Kalyan and Thane
SRO Offices in Panvel, Kalyan and Thane

You can get list of all SRO Offices in Panvel, Kalyan and Thane with address, office timings and email id’s.

Size: 124 KB
Version: 1.0
Published: 25/08/2020
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